Once Upon a Time: Using Stories in the Language Classroom


John Morgan  ,  Mario Rinvolucri  ,  Penny Ur

Published:         Nov 1983

Publisher:         Cambridge University Press

ISBN:                 9780521272629

Format:             Paperback  Trade paperback (US) 

Dimensions:     132pp  h229mm  x  w152mm  x s8mm  210g  14ill.10d.

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Stories can provide a highly motivating, engaging and realistic source of genuine language interaction in the classroom. They are ‘living language’ in which the teacher (or student storyteller) becomes the source of language, and the listeners are actively involved in understanding. The authors argue from experience that almost everyone can tell stories convincingly, especially given an outline to work from. A very wide range of these outlines, from many cultures and sources, are provided. These can be used by the teacher as a resource for a variety of activities for students from beginner to advanced levels, including listening comprehension, grammar practice, oral production and fluency practice, but above all for exposure to real spoken language.