Product Price Quantity Total
× English in Mind Workbook 3 $40.95
× Certificate I in Spoken and Written English: Workbook $17.95
× Understanding Spoken English Book 2: Audio CD $19.95
× English Unlimited A2: Elementary Class Audio CDs (3) $44.50 1 $44.50
× Side by Side 3 Communication Games $58.45 1 $58.45
× Certificate III in Spoken and Written English: Workbook $17.95
× Spelling and Pronunciation for English Language Learners (SPELL) $19.95
× Understanding Spoken English Book 1: Audio CD $19.95
× Beach Street 1: Teacher's Book $27.00
× English Steps 2 Book $30.00
× English Unlimited B1: Pre-intermediate Self-study Pack (Workbook with DVD-ROM) $19.50 1 $19.50

Cart totals

Subtotal $357.10
Shipping Flat Rate: $10.00
Total $367.10