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Read On – Literature Resources for Diverse Learning – Book 1
Anne Vize
Published: 2014
Publisher: Phoenix Education
ISBN: 9781921586767
Format: Book
‘Read on – literature resources for diverse learning in Australian schools’ is a positive, practical and engaging set of books which meet the modern teaching needs of English and generalist class teachers. The books link closely with the Literature strand of the Australian curriculum and can be used to meet many of the outcomes at Year 7-9 level. Book 1 is pitched at years 7—8, Book 2 at years 8—9. They are also highly suitable for students who may be achieving outcomes through general capabilities for Literacy. This might include students who:
- have an intellectual disability
- are learning English as an additional language
- have diverse learning needs
- have an autism spectrum disorder
- are at risk of academic failure
The books contain easy to read and teach examples of many of the content requirements of the English Literature curriculum including poetry
- fiction
- non-fiction
- multi modal texts
- visual literacy
- biographies
- everyday literacy
- life skills literacy
The Australian Curriculum reminds teachers of the need to include the works of Australian authors in their English teaching and to consider how content relates to sustainability, Asia and relationship with Asia, and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures. The ‘Read on’ books make it possible to provide this content at an easily accessible level which encourages a wide range of students to participate fully in all aspects of the English curriculum.
Support for students
What can get in the way of successful reading?
Guide to reading levels
Achieving meaningful learning outcomes
Non fiction and multimodal texts
Ta Moko – the art of Maori tattooing
Swinging through the tree tops
Surfing the waves – Llayne Beachley
On your bike – Casey Stoner
Stonehenge – an ancient mystery
Paddling the Todd River
Meeting Zac – up close and personal with a crocodile
Don’t get scammed with your mobile!
Dancing on the tips of your toes
The unknown soldier
Stop the toad in its tracks
Australian native animals
Cyclone Tracy
Fiction, drama and poetry
The secret
My Work Experience diary
Tiddalik the frog – the flood-maker
We can save our planet
Tanka Poetry
Losing it
Street art
The breakfast club
The rescue
Old Boots
Shoot out
Sunset fishing
A Time to Dream
Everyday writing
Banana smoothie
Beach’s fish and chips
The perfect vegetable soup
The job pages
Shopping list
Our home
It’s a party!
Planning a holiday
The Music Store – Second hand items for sale
Staying safe near water
Belmont to city trains