Primary Spanish Blackline Master 1


Kathryn Methven, Louise Robertson, Suzanne Tola

Published:       1999

Publisher:        Five Senses Publication

ISBN:               9781876028404

Format:          spiral  | 80 pages

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This is a Teacher Support Series written in conjunction with the Primary Spanish Workbooks. It comprises a wealth of timesaving ideas. This resource will also prove invaluable to primary teachers of Spanish since it provides lists of frequently used vocabulary ready to be copied for display around the classroom. Teachers can encourage their students to show creativity as they make cards for special occasions, design their own games and decorate title pages for their books or folders. This book shows how easy it is to produce motivating lessons, promoting language learning throughout the whole school community.

Book 1 has ideas such as award cards, revision tests, craft activities, cultural sheets, programming pro formas and title pages.