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Subtotal: $116.95
Sue Xouris and Kyoko Kusumoto
Published: Nov 2018
Publisher: Cengage Learning Australia
ISBN: 9780170417655
Format: Paperback | 264 pages
The Obento series is the market-leading Japanese series for Years 7’10 students in Australia.
This fifth edition is revised and updated with greater explicit alignment to The Australian Curriculum: Japanese, greater support for the acquisition of Japanese script, streamlined and high-calibre digital content and a more cohesive 7’10 series. The full-colour student book provides the core language and script and is grounded in communicative methodology. Intercultural awareness and understanding is carefully integrated into relevant topics within the text. All script is presented in context, so students develop their core language learning skills of listening, speaking and reading as they progress through the content.
NelsonNet resources available* Teacher Resources: ‘ Includes all student resources ‘ Chapter PDFs ‘ Grammar PowerPoint presentations ‘ Workbook solutions (PDFs) ‘ Worksheets and solutions ‘ Curriculum grids ‘ Audio and video transcripts ‘ Tests and solutions ‘ Unit study guides Student Resources: ‘ Animated cartoon stories ‘ Play and say vocab ‘ Videos# ‘ Language and script quizzes ‘ Student book audio ‘ Workbook audio and videos# *Complimentary access to NelsonNet is available to teachers who use the accompanying student book as a core resource in their classroom.