Logisch Neu 1/A1 Kursbuch with Downloadable Audio


Dengler et al.

Published:       Nov 2016

Publisher:        Klett-Langenscheidt Verlag

ISBN:                9783126052016

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Logisch! Neu
Students aged 10+

– Three-volume German beginners’ course, also available as split-editions
– Modern layout
– Easy access for the student and efficient preparation for the teacher
– Input for comparing languages
– Marked tasks for multilingualism and projects
– References to specific CLIL tasks for interdisciplinary lessons available as copy masters in the teacher’s book
– Grammar overview, regional studies, games, creative tasks and learning techniques matching the video clips on DVD which is provided with the teacher’s book
– Conception and topics in accordance with the framework “German as a Foreign Language”  for German schools abroad and with the learning objectives of the ÖSD KID A1 exam

A revised edition of the popular course “Logisch!” the updated version features a new, modern layout with lots of new photos. There is more focus on group activities for vocabulary work and a page of written vocabulary exercises in each chapter. This is a clearly structured three level course for teenage learners of German. Its dialogues and written texts focus on topics and experiences of concern to young people. Each task in the coursebook has a corresponding exercise in the accompanying workbook. Pronunciation training and grammar points are closely linked together and all the grammar needed to complete the exercises is summarised in tables alongside the questions. A summary of the topic covered is given at the end of each chapter and a full vocabulary list is included in the workbook.

student’s book + audio files to download, workbook + audio files to download, teacher’s book with DVD, intensive trainer, testbook with audio CD, Logisch! neu digital with interactive whiteboard presentations

Exam preparation:
DSD I, FIT in Deutsch (Goethe Institute), ÖSD KID A1

This is a student’s book.