In the 22 years since its publication, Japanese for Busy People has won acclaim worldwide as an effective, easy-to-understand textbook, either for classroom use or for independent study. Now, in its first revision in more than a decade, the series has been redesigned, updated, and consolidated to meet the needs of today’s students and business people who want to learn natural, spoken Japanese as effectively as possible in a limited amount of time.
This new edition of the classic second volume will enable learners to make an unprecedented smooth transition from mid-beginner-level to intermediate-level Japanese. Picking up where Japanese for Busy People I left off, the text goes beyond survival Japanese, turning to the basics of Japanese syntax. Topics covered include plain forms of verbs and adjectives; compound sentences; modifying, temporal (“when”), and conditional (“if”) clauses; potential and volitional forms; and direct and indirect quotation. By the end of the book, learners will have acquired through a series of concise grammatical explanations and extensive speaking and listening exercises a command of Japanese that will enable them to carry on a variety of daily conversations.
Japanese for Busy People II: Revised 3rd Edition features:
– A free CD containing 47 minutes of listening practice based on 94 dialogues introduced in the book
– 160 kanji (Chinese characters used in Japanese), with ample space to practice writing them
– Over 350 illustrations to make the learning process both fun and effective
– 17 reading tasks
– Quizzes that allow learners to test their understanding
– Usage, culture, and style notes