In the 22 years since its publication, Japanese for Busy People has won acclaim worldwide as an effective, easy-to-understand textbook, either for classroom use or for independent study. Now, in its first revision in more than a decade, the series has been redesigned, updated, and consolidated to meet the needs of today’s students and businesspeople who want to learn natural, spoken Japanese as effectively as possible in a limited amount of time.
This Romanized version of the text includes the script (hiragana/katakana) as well as the Romanization. A script-only version of the text, “Kana Version” is also available – 97815683638-51 if Romanization is not required.
This first volume of Japanese for Busy People: Revised 3rd Edition includes the following new features:
- A unit structure whereby thematically linked lessons are grouped together to make learning Japanese easier than ever
- Expanded exercises that go beyond substitution drills and get students speaking Japanese right away
- A free 70-minute CD that contains recordings of dialogues and exercises from the text
- Over 340 illustrations to make the learning process both fun and effective
- Notes about Japanese culture
- A sleek, user-friendly design
“Survival Japanese for Adults,” as the book might be called, gets to the heart of the language without recourse to childish or classroom-only Japanese. Ideal for those whose aim is a working knowledge of the spoken language, it presents only the minimum amount of Japanese needed to get by on a daily basis in Japan. To reduce the burden on busy learners, vocabulary and grammar have been limited to about a third of that typically introduced in beginner courses, and emphasis is given to words and sentence patterns that the learner will find immediately useful.
The Japanese for Busy People series has been prepared under the guidance of a working group of experienced language instructors who reviewed and tested the material in their classrooms.
The new Japanese for Busy People I is made up of 11 chapters called units. Each one consists of 2 or 3 thematically linked lessons.
– UNIT –
Read the culture note at the beginning of the unit to expand your knowledge of Japan.
Study the grammar overview.
Proceed through the lessons in the unit. Follow these 5 steps to acquire practical conversation skills:
STEP 1 . . . Study the Target Dialogue
The Target Dialogue shows you what you will be able to say in Japanese after completing the lesson.
STEP 2 . . . Practice
Go through the Practice section to memorize vocabulary and practice speaking and listening.
STEP 3 . . . Study the Short Dialogues
The Short Dialogues present handy, frequently used expressions. Practice them thoroughly.
STEP 4 . . . Return to the Target Dialogue
Review what you have learned so far.
STEP 5 . . . Try “Active Communication”
Put your language skills to use in the real world by doing the exercises suggested in this section.