
Japan Books: What Is It? Level 1


Mariko Earle

Publisher:        Earle Sensei’s Japan Books

ISBN:                9780648117896

Format:            Paperback | 15 pp.

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Is it a Christmas tree, a lemon, or a flower? You will discover the beauty of Japanese food culture by guessing what things are in the book!

Level: 1
Script: Hiragana & Katakana characters with Furigana

In alignment with the Australian Curriculum: Prep year to Year 2 band plan:

  • Respond to questions with single words.
  • Use visual, non-verbal, and contextual support such as pictures to make meaning of simple texts.
  • Use formulaic expressions and appropriate gestures in everyday interactions.
  • Identify Japanese words that have been borrowed from other languages.

Cultural note from the author:

Traditional Japanese sweets, such as the ones in this book, are called wagashi. Wagashi is known to present a beauty that is simple yet precise. Wagashi was special to me during my childhood. They were snacks for special occasions; sometimes, my grandmother would take me to a wagashi shop near my house and let me choose one. In my mind, wagashi was for “grown-ups.” I remember looking at the presentation of wagashi and feeling excited, thinking “I get to eat the special wagashi, just like adults, who can appreciate both the presentation and taste of wagashi.” It is customary to have wagashi with green tea, as the bitter yet refreshing taste of green tea complements the sweetness of wagashi.