Let us discover what kinds of sweets you can find at Sweets Takayoshi!
Level: 2
Script: Hiragana & Katakana characters with Furigana
Sentence examples:
- These are pudding.
- Cute, aren’t they?
- These are teddy bear snacks.
In alignment with the Australian Curriculum: Year 3 and 4 band achievement standards
- Describe things, using adjective & noun.
- Describing things, using adjective + noun.
- Structure sentences using particles.
- Locate specific information and some supporting details in written texts on familiar topics.
- Identify words from other languages used in Japanese.
Cultural note from the author:
When I was a child, my mum sometimes invited visitors to our house on the weekends. This turned out to be a special occasion for me, as my mum always bought nice cakes from the nearby cake shop. I remember volunteering to make hot drinks for the visitors so that I could join them in eating the special cakes. Have a look at the variety of delicious cakes that are available at Sweets Takayoshi in Utsunomiya, Tochigi in Japan. Their cakes remind me of the special cakes that I had during my childhood.