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How to Teach Vocabulary
Scott Thornbury
Published: Mar 2002
Publisher: Pearson Education Limited
ISBN: 9780582429666
Format: Paperback
Dimensions: 192pp h244mm x w190mm x s10mm 338g Illustrations
The How to… series is a great collection of straightforward, user-friendly teacher development books. All titles are written by experienced teachers and teacher trainers and each offers a range of practical teaching ideas within a clear, theoretical framework. Each book contains a photocopiable ‘Task File’ of practical exercises and activities.
This title looks in detail at the theory of words and at how students learn new vocabulary, it also offers practical advice on how to help students build vocabulary in new and effective ways and how to test students’ word knowledge. Major developments, such as language corpora and lexical approaches, are clearly explained and related to your needs as a teacher.