Tapis Volant 1 Workbook with USB E4


Jane Zemiro,  Alan Chamberlain

Published:         Jul 2017

Publisher:          Cengage Learning Australia

ISBN:                9780170393799

Format:             Mixed Media Product

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Tapis Volant 1 Work Book is part of the market-leading French series and has been fully revised for a fourth edition.

The student book has a strong emphasis on cultural and intercultural learning and the straightforward communicative methodology, adaptable to any type of classroom. The Work Book offers activities to practice and consolidate French across the four macro-skills: listening, writing, reading and speaking.

In addition, the workbook includes: ‘ Autoévaluation sections at the end of every two units to build students’ confidence and track progress ‘ Graded and scaffolded activities to challenge students and reinforce learning ‘ A USB containing all audio tracks needed for listening activities, as well as engaging conversational videos for further language practice.

NelsonNet resources available* Teacher Resources: ‘ Includes all student resources ‘ Curriculum grids ‘ Chapter PDFs ‘ Grammar PowerPoints ‘ Workbook solutions (PDFs) Student Resources: ‘ Videos ‘ Worksheets ‘ Student book audio ‘ Interactives ‘ Quizzes *Complimentary access to NelsonNet is available to teachers who use the accompanying student book as a core resource in their classroom.

Unité 1 Bienvenue en France ! Unité 2 C’est beau, Paris Autoévaluation ‘ Unités 1 & 2 Unité 3 Ça, c’est ma famille Unité 4 Au parc zoologique Autoévaluation ‘ Unités 3 & 4 Unité 5 Bon appétit ! Unité 6 C’est la fête ! Autoévaluation ‘ Unités 5 & 6 Vol de découverte 2 ‘ Les régions de France Unité 7 En classe, on travaille Unité 8 Mes journées sont bien remplies Autoévaluation ‘ Unités 7 & 8 Unité 9 Comment sont-ils ? Unité 10 Vous désirez, mesdemoiselles ? Autoévaluation ‘ Unités 9 & 10 Vol de découverte 3 ‘ La France et l’Australie : une comparaison Unité 11 Bonjour, Toulouse Unité 12 Les grandes vacances ! Autoévaluation ‘ Unités 11 & 12 Vocabulaire.