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Ganz Klasse! 2 Student Book with 1 Access Code
Edda Kamphues, Sarah May, Jenny Jeffrey and Ellen Dunn
Published: Apr 2020
Publisher: Cengage Learning
ISBN: 9780170419512
Format: Mixed media product
Ganz Klasse! 1 and 2 is a fresh, new series for beginner students of German in Years 7 – 10. It includes all the best-loved features of the ever-popular Genau! series and has been written to fully address the requirements of the Australian Curriculum: German with enhanced and streamlined digital content.
Features of the series include: ‘ A stimulating and clean design to visually engage students and assists with their learning ‘ The retention of the communicative approach, topic progression and language sequencing of the Genau! series, but with greater structure within each of the components ‘ Numerous opportunities for differentiated learning, language practice and language use ‘ Clear alignment to the Australian Curriculum: German with a strong emphasis on intercultural learning and modern German culture.
NelsonNet resources available*: Teacher resources: ‘ Curriculum support: curriculum grids and teaching plans ‘ Worksheets and solutions ‘ Workbook with overprinted solutions ‘ Audio transcripts ‘ Unit tests and solutions Student resources: ‘ Audio tracks from the Student Book ‘ Audio tracks from the Workbook# ‘ Grammar videos ‘ Grammar and vocabulary quizzes ‘ Worksheets ‘ Play and Say vocabulary *Complimentary access to NelsonNet is available to teachers who use the accompanying student book as a core resource in their classroom. Contact your local education consultant for access codes and conditions # Available with purchase of Ganz Klasse Workbook only.