Delta BCS – Emailing + CD


Louise Pile

Published:        Jun 2004

Publisher:        Delta Publishing

ISBN:                9781900783811

Format:            Mixed media product | 250 pages

Dimensions     204 x 292 x 8mm | 240.41g

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E-mailing Helps learners of Business English develop the skills and language needed to deal effectively with e-mail in English. The book and integrated audio CD practices language and skills in the following areas: Getting Started; Structuring your message; Being clear and concise; Choosing the right level of formality; Getting the tone right; Checking before you send; E-mailing is designed for students with a preintermediate or intermediate level of English and can be used either in class or for self study. The content and examples contained within E-mailing are up-to-date and relevant to anyone working or planning to work internationally. E-mailing adopts a learner-centred and highly practical approach.