Hunger Games #3 La Revolte – French


Suzanne Collins and Guillaume Fournier (translator)

Published:        2015

Publisher:        Pocket Jeunesse

ISBN:                9782266260794

Format:            Paperback

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The Hunger Games #2 La Revolte  is the final installment in the French edition of this dystopian fantasy series by Suzanne Collins.

Contre toute attente, Katniss a survécu une seconde fois aux Hunger Games. Mais le Capitole crie vengeance. Katniss doit payer les humiliations qu’elle lui a fait subir. Et le président Snow a été très clair : Katniss n’est pas la seule à risquer sa vie. Sa famille, ses amis et tous les anciens habitants du district Douze sont visés par la colère sanglante du pouvoir. Pour sauver les siens, Katniss doit redevenir le geai moqueur, le symbole de la rébellion. Quel que soit le prix à payer.

Against all odds, Katniss survived the Hunger Games for a second time. But the Capitol cries out for revenge. Katniss must pay for the humiliations she made him suffer. And President Snow was very clear: Katniss is not the only one risking her life. His family, his friends and all the former inhabitants of District Twelve are targeted by the bloody wrath of power. To save her family, Katniss must once again become the mockingjay, the symbol of rebellion. Whatever the cost.